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  • Writer's pictureKayla Leung

Your Own Personal Torsion Field

Torsion fields, also known as spin fields or scalar fields, are a concept in physics that have gained interest in recent years due to their potential implications for our understanding of the universe. While torsion fields are not yet fully understood or widely recognized within mainstream science, some researchers believe this can be the "fifth force" that plays a significant role in explaining a variety of phenomena.

At its simplest, torsion fields refer to the twisting or spiraling of space-time. They are thought to exist in a state of non-locality, meaning that they are not bound by the limitations of time and space in the same way that traditional fields are. This non-locality is thought to enable torsion fields to have an effect across great distances instantaneously, potentially explaining phenomena like quantum entanglement.

One of the key aspects of torsion fields is their ability to influence matter and energy. They are thought to interact with the spin of particles, influencing the way that they move and behave. This has led some researchers to suggest that torsion fields may play a role in the functioning of the human body, potentially explaining phenomena like the placebo effect or the efficacy of alternative healing practices like acupuncture or Reiki.

The "Qi Torsion" was created based on the research results of Russian scientist Akimov. It allows meridian-sensitive people to experience the sensation of the torsion field. Furthermore, it purifies and recharges items such as crystals, drinks and other items that conduct micro current.

Qi is a universal force that runs through the environment, the body, and every life form. The practice of Qi stabilizes oneself, harmonizes both physical and emotional levels, and clears mental fuzziness.

As our understanding of the universe continues to evolve, it seems likely that the concept of torsion fields will continue to be an area of interest for researchers and scientists around the world. Whether or not they ultimately prove to be the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe remains to be seen, the potential implications of torsion fields are certainly intriguing.

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